Kindness changes lives.
Did you know that today is Random Acts of Kindness Day? It's a day to celebrate kindness and embrace opportunities to spontaneously 'pay it forward'.
So with this, would you spontaneously consider throwing $20+ our way …right now. If fifty of our friends and supporters did this, the impact would be amazing.
Project Help India is all about love and kindness - it's at the very centre of what we are about - feeding and educating vulnerable kids - keeping them safe by getting them off the streets and into school. We help the kids' parents providing seminars and counselling and we support young women with small business tailoring courses. At the moment we are preparing for SHINE - our annual empowerment conference for very poor slum women, which will be held in just a few weeks time.
So help yourself to feel great this Random Acts of Kindness Day by spontaneously sending a small tax deductible donation our way
AND could you kindly repost this story please?
You can DONATE by clicking the pink DONATE button above, or click HERE
Thank you. We love you and have a great day!
From the Project Help India Team