Thank you for making a difference and for helping us to tell the story of Project Help India.
You can donate in two ways
1. By making a tax deductible donation with your credit card, PAYPAL, or a bank transfer by clicking the box below
2. if you do not require tax deductibility
please make a Direct Transfer (EFT) payment
BSB: 062 230 (Commonwealth Bank Randwick)
Account Number: 1134 1909
Account Name: Project Help India
Please contact us if you have a query or a specific request for where you would like your donation to be directed.
Your tax deductible donation is transferred to our projects via the Global Development Group. Project Help India is a partner for Project J1096N with Global Development Group (ABN 57 102 400 993), an Australian NGO approved by the Minister for Foreign Affairs. Tax deductible receipts for gifts over $2 with a preference for this approved development project will be issued by Global Development Group. Please note, no non-development (evangelistic, political or welfare) activities are a part of, or funded by, GDG projects.
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What your support can do in the lives of the people in Kotdwara and Bijnor
Sponsor one child’s education and meals for one month = $50 = $12.50 a week
Sponsor one child’s education and meals at our Slum Disability Centre in Kotdwara for one month = $50
A “gift of love” to a homeless or elderly person (a one-off parcel of food, fruit, blanket, towel, shoes, sanitary and wash products) = $30
Sponsor a teacher’s salary for one month = $120
Basic office supplies for the anti-human trafficking team at the local police station = $10 week
Pay a cook’s salary = $40 a month
Emergency ration pack (containing flour, rice, oil, spices and salt) for a family unable to work = $35
Classroom repairs at village school = $500
Provide wage for an office admin officer in Kotdwara = $150 month
(approximate prices calculated - April 2024)