Our forum was a powerful occasion providing many marginalised community members the opportunity to give voice to their needs and expressing their complaints, concerns, fears, and hopes they have for the future.
Last weekend our team organised and hosted an important community forum in Kotdwara. Attended by 350 people, State and Local Government officials met seeking to listen, understand, and respond to the welfare needs of minority groups. These people were specifically those who Project Help India directly works with in slum communities.
The forum (which the locals call a "camp") provided the opportunity for people to speak directly about their circumstances. It was a very powerful occasion with many of the parents and community members giving voice to their needs and expressing their complaints, concerns, fears, and hopes for the future. Further to this, those who attended were educated and informed about their rights, government schemes and resources that they could have access to.
Many issues were raised including access to health and medical support, the nutrition and education of children, women’s empowerment opportunities, age care and agricultural support. Issues of police discrimination and how illiterate people can access government administration and resources were also raised and discussed.
We are pleased to report that some issues were immediately resolved including an action item to introduce access to a pension for the elderly.
Project Help India was thanked and praised for their efforts in reaching these minority groups and for providing them with a safe space for speaking directly with the government officials. The Forum itself was regarded as an innovative way of connecting marginalised people with the government help that they so desperately need. Due to the success of the forum the idea was considered as a model for emulation in other communities across Uttarakhand. We are so proud of our team and thankful for their efforts to advocate for the poor and needy. We are grateful for the funding provided by our supporters whose generosity made this event possible. We look forward to future forums in Kotdwara and further afield.
Chief Guest, Chairman of Minority Commission Dr. RK Jain and Secretary JS Rawat attended the Forum. Here they are listening to local farmers talk about some of the current challenges that they are facing.
Members of the Project Help India team with guests and officials