Thank you for helping us to SHINE

We quickly wanted to let you know that we are grateful.

'SHINE' Conference last weekend was just wonderful.

Thank you to the many people whose generous support made our conference possible.

Thank you to Daisy Samuel for hosting. You inspire us Daisy and we love you.

Thank you to the amazing Project Help team for your hard work, boundless energy, passion and commitment to serving women, their families and communities. You made this conference happen!

Thank you to our speakers and esteemed guests of honour. Thank you for sharing your expertise, stories and wisdom. Your vulnerability, love and kindness was a blessing to us all.

Thank you to our 600 delegates, some of whom travelled 500km to attend. We had over 100 women attend for the very first time. We are so glad that you had a fabulous time. Thank you for your friendship - we are in this together.

May the experience and what you learnt bring strength, a sense of purpose and a knowledge of your personal worth empower you in all you do. As you SHINE, may your beauty, your dignity and resolve -bring hope and change for the better, to your life and circumstances.

We believe in you. You are loved.

Let’s do this all again soon. We can't wait another year!