Can You Help Please?

On my recent visit to India I met 7 year old Krish for the first time, and I also saw Rakhi, one of our teachers who I have known for a number of years.

Both need urgent medical care and attention, and sadly both are too poor to receive this. We are asking for your prayers for these people and to ask if you would please consider making a special donation to help them.

The reports below have been written by our friend and charity partner, Amit Samuel. He and his wife are personally visiting both families to help support them. Sunjay's wife, Rakhi is not well. She fronted up for work a couple of days after her miscarriage, and she was clearly in considerable pain. We were not convinced that she is receiving the follow-up care that is necessary.

Please feel free to forward this email to people at your work...perhaps you could do a little collection or fudnraiser. 100% of all funds raised will go directly to these people.

Please let me know if you can help. Donations can be made from our website, or via the EFT details below.

*BSB: *812-170

*ACCOUNT NUMBER: *100122703


Please write '*Krish & Rakhi help' * in the reference section, and also include your name

Thank you so much. Love Doug and Rowena

Krish aged 7 - needs emergency medical advice and attention *I am feeling very sorrowful to tell you that one boy from our slums center is going through a sever painful situation . His name is KRISH and he is 7 years old. Few days before , he was playing with his friends and accidentally fell down from the railing and got his right hand broken. At that time his parents were at the work so the neighbor took him to an untrained and illegal practitioner for the treatment. The neighbor were illiterate and it is the worst dark patch on Indian society that most of the poor people are illiterate very that man put a bandage with some lime on his hand and due to reaction from lime and his arm sweat he got gangrene in his hand. Than His parents took him to a doctor and he advised them to amputate that childs right hand. His family is grieved and that boy is crying since he got this news. When I talked with KRISH, his tears were not stopping and I felt very sad. So I want you to please pray and think about him. Doctors haz also said that if this child gets a good and immediate proper medical help may be in delhi or in dehradun , his arm can be saved. But not sure 100%. *

Rakhi needs urgent ongoing medical help and TLC

Dear brother Doug,

*We are full of sorrow that one of our employees wife Rakhi has lost her newborn child. His Name is Sanjay Singh and he is working very positively with us as a teacher in our Jungle Center. We pray for this grieved family. All this has happened due to poor Govt. Services Mr. Sanjay’s wife got laboured in the night and there was no help to take her to the hospital at the right time. She walked from the jungle 8km to Kotdwara to get to the hospital there. She was very poorly by then. Nearly 48 hours later they then got managed to reach Bijnor Govt Hospital. The surgeons did the surgery but till that time, but it was too late. The child had died. We are very heartfelt for Mr. Sanjay’s family. May God mend their sorrows as soon as it can be.*

*"Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say." *Lamentations 3: 22-24