A girl is unstoppable once she discovers her value

‘National Girl Child Day’ is observed annually on January 24 in India, and serves as a powerful platform to address the inequalities faced by girls. On this important day, Project Help India, delivered an impactful awareness campaign which was attended by a  number of our teenage students and their friends.

Advocates Avneesh Agnihotri and Amit Samuel delivered inspiring messages, urging girls to embrace education, face challenges head-on, and utilise legal avenues for their benefit. The girls who attended were also provided with health and nutrition guidance, and also individual guidance regarding some of their personal situations. After these talks, the girls asked questions about their rights and laws. They loved this Q&A session the most which was run by Daisy Samuel who concluded the campaign by saying 

“The world will be a better place to live, on the day when every girl is as happy as the other gender. The best thing that anyone can do for a girl child is to give her a safe environment to grow, study and do things she likes. Let us work in synergy to make this dream come true.”

Our event emphasised the importance of empowering girls with knowledge about their basic rights found within the Indian Constitution and encouraged them to seek our help whenever they need it.

Through initiatives such as this, we are striving to break barriers and traditional mindsets about the lesser value of girls and women, by equipping our students to confidently pursue their dreams with self-belief, confidence, resilience and knowledge.

We thank our team for making this wonderful opportunity possible AND we especially thank the supporters of Project Help India, whose generosity, prayers and compassion make what we do possible. 

Go girls! You are loved and we adore you.