Our City Centre Kids enjoying their meal at last year's Christmas Party
This Black Friday, when the Western world is somewhat consumed and obsessed by the thought of grabbing online and instore bargains, often for stuff that we don't really need, spare a thought for those who have limited resources and opportunities. What never ceases to amaze and inspire me, are those who have next to nothing - yet they smile and show gratitude for the little that they have. So if you grab a great deal over the next few days, would you consider passing on just some of your savings to Project Help India?
We are currently trying to raise $6000 for our Annual Christmas Appeal which will give 600 of our students to receive a fabulous Christmas gift (which this year will be a school backpack - complete with our Project Help logo - we are very excited about this), as well as the food and goodies we need to hold a Christmas party at each of our 14 Centres. The kids are already busy making the decorations for the party, which is a very big deal for them - they perform for their parents, sing, dance and play lots of games. For most of these children, it really is the highlight of their year!
Here's the best deal ever
For most of these kids who live in poverty most days tend to be black (certainly bleak!) - but thanks to Project Help India - we are giving them much love, joy, hope and happiness. We are determined to give them the BEST Christmas ever!
Every $5, $10, $20, $50+ tax deductible donation that we receive goes a really long way in making a significant difference in the lives of people and communities that will never have the privilege of being able to shop in the sales. Your Black Friday savings will be exponential in the impact and personal satisfaction you receive.
You can make your donation easily by clicking the DONATE box at the top of this page.
Thanks again, with love from the Project Help India team.