Fathers’ Day provides us with the opportunity to show our love and appreciation by honouring the dads and father-figures in our lives and communities. It’s especially not easy when you don’t have a dad to care for you and the family.
This Fathers’ Day it is our privilege to share a few of the stories of some of the beautiful students who attend our education centres. We love these kids supporting not only their learning, but caring and providing for their health and wellbeing with a daily meal, counselling and emotional support as they face some very difficult circumstances - which are compounded by the poverty that impacts them daily.
These 2 kids miss their dad, who recently was murdered by their uncle. They told us that he used to pick them up and drop them to school and he used to purchase dresses and toys for them.
Sumaiya and Farhan are siblings and students at our city centre school, in Grades 1 and 4. Their father's name was Mr. Shadab, he worked as a vendor selling goods. A year ago, he was horrifically murdered by his brother, a hammer was thrown to his head and he died instantly. Sumaiya and Farhan's mother Azmi has suffered, she was shaken by grief and loss. The death of her husband meant that she not only received no rights in her family but also no support, this worsened her family’s financial situation. Azmi works hard for her family and is working as a vendor selling ladies goods, but with this she does not receive enough money for her family's survival.
Sumaiya and Farhan have a younger sibling who has been diagnosed with a disease and is bed ridden, their home is small and there is not enough space for them all to sleep.
After the family tragedy Farhan and Sumaiya started attending school at Project Help. It was clear that they were grieving the loss of their father. They were quiet and reserved in their first days of classes. In counselling they expressed that they wished their father was still alive so that they could share their feelings with him. They told us that he used to pick them up and drop them to school and he used to purchase dresses and toys for them.
Since beginning school they have improved in their studies, they have said that staying at home and not going to school was dull and they did not have enough space to play. Since this time their learning has improved and they enjoy playing, dancing, singing, reading and writing. Farhan dreams of becoming an Army Officer as he would like to help his country and Sumaiya said she has been inspired by her teacher at Project Help and would like to become a teacher. We know that they have the potential to achieve their dreams, for a brighter future and for their father.