Imagine despite your own chronic health struggles, begging on the street every day to care for your family, doing all you can to give him every opportunity to flourish and succeed in life. This year we want to give Kaviraj the Fathers’ Day gift that he has been praying for … his son’s education.
It will be Father’s Day in Australia in three weeks
Fathers’ Day provides us with the opportunity to show our love and appreciation by honouring the dads and father-figures in our lives and communities.
At Project Help we especially count it our privilege to care for the poorest of the poor, helping dads who are doing their best, under difficult circumstances and few resources available to them. We see the good in so many men, who despite the poverty of their circumstances, work hard and never stop making personal sacrifices for their children. They dream for their children and are determined to provide for their family. We often see a stoic, brave smile that masks pain, shame and a lack of dignity because they cannot meet their family needs.
Please join our WE LOVE YOU DAD Campaign
Over the next 3 weeks our goal is to raise $5000 with the goal to;
* help dads to help their kids
* help kids who don’t have dads
Meet Kavi-Raj
Kavi-raj is an inspiring father who we have helped for a number of years. He has suffered from leprosy since he was about eight years old and abandoned by his parents who on learning of his diagnosis placed him at the front door of a temple. He is now 56 years old and married to Kanti-devi. They have a son Karan Dalei who is 14 years old and in the 8th Grade at school. Karan is healthy and fit but he is often taunted and ostracised by the other children because of his father’s condition.
Kavi and his family live in the Leprosy Colony by the riverside slum of Kotdwara. Here they live with 2 or 3 other families where each has a member of the family with leprosy. Kavi’s family is doing well these days but due to the lockdown Kavi has recently suffered a lot. His health has not been good and he must take great care due to his vulnerable health condition. Understandably he is fearful of COVID -anxious and scared for himself and for his family. To earn an income Kavi begs every day on the street. He has basically done this every day of his life since childhood. The current lockdown curfews reduce his ability to beg. On a good day he will earn about 200rupee ($4AUS) a day. Project Help has been giving him additional rations and food to support the family’s needs during the COVID crisis.
Kavi says that he has never had a friend, other than the people he lives with. He appreciates the love that is shown to him from Project help, because he is regarded as untouchable. People do not talk to him and people on the streets treat him poorly. For me (Doug) I count it a privilege to call Kavi my friend. He has taught and inspired me so much over the years. He has a fabulous sense of humour and he makes me laugh. I cried the day he told me that I was the first friend he could remember who had held his hand and hugged him.
Kavi’s dream is to make a home for his son as he thinks that in case he dies his wife and son must have a shelter over their head. His future hopes are only for his wife and son and for the help they need. He prays for Karan to be successful in the future. He is an intelligent boy who works hard at his studies. Kavi knows that his school education holds the key for a bright future.
How we need your help
We want to bless Kavi and his family this Fathers’ Day. Karan’s school fees are 1500rupees ($30AUS) a month. We are seeking an Australian (or international) sponsor who can pay this amount. All up this is $360 a year. If we top this to $500, we can provide Kavi’s family with some needed utensils and goods for their home. A donation (tax deductible) of $2500 would see Karan’s education through to university. Please let us know if you can help, so we can connect you with Ravi should you wish. WE WILL GIVE KAVI AND HIS FAMILY YOUR PHOTO AND A MESSAGE FROM YOU.
TOP IMAGE: With his friends at the colony. Each of the men on the right have leprosy and have much in common with each other. BOTTOM: Kavi-raj with his wife and son (and my son Gulliver).