Renu is one of the amazing volunteers. She gives her time and energy tirelessly by teaching lessons and supporting the children and their parents through the community service programs of Project Help India.
Renu reflects on her experience as a volunteer for Project Help India
Truly I want to share this beautiful thing with all the readers. I mean like every year I feel and celebrate Christmas day as this is my birthday as well; so 25 December is special for me but this year it was all about happiness and the solace which I get after offering help to a wonderful organisation. I know that Christmas is not just about decorations, good food, cake and enjoyment but this day is also another name of love and help. This year I felt it, I did it I am volunteering a group Project Help India. This time we distributed gifts, warm clothes, toiletries and sanitary items to the needy kids. I could see the smile and happiness on their faces after having appetising evening meal and receiving gifts from us.
I teach 25 students’ who come from very poor background. In the class I hear many heart wrenching stories about how these poor kids struggle to go to school and how life is real hard for them. Some of the children don’t have proper winter clothes to cover their bodies, they live in house made of scrap and bricks. These lovely kids also want to live a normal happy life but sadly their parents can’t afford even a good school for them. Project Help India is making a great difference in their lives.
I am living in a small town in Uttarakhand. I am a homemaker and a mother of two lovely daughters; for me my family is my priority. But still something was missing in life; I wanted to do something by which I can help others. Looking around near me I used to see many problems like child education, mental wellbeing of the society and many other issues. It’s just a coincidence that through a social media site I heard about this centre and I visited the organisation’s office. After seeing all their past work and meeting the children who come to attend classes I felt that this is the right thing which I can do. If I can teach somebody, help someone and I can guide someone, sort out their problem then I am donating my time in bettering the world around me.
I am simply enjoying teaching my students. All of them are special every child has his/her own quality; they share so many things with me. We had organised Christmas party where they showcased their talent by dancing, singing, poetry etc. Children got special gifts for winter and stationary items. On Christmas night the organisation hosted a party and invited the children also. Seeing these kids happy gives me comfort. I feel sad seeing their background and family condition but if they get good education, guidance they all can overcome hurdles of life.
Talking honestly this volunteering work has provided me lots of positive spirit. I myself am learning so much. I get the opportunity to meet likeminded people who want to do something for the society, for others. The way the girls of my class come and tell me their personal problems, the way all the students learn and show zeal for the classes is just excellent. Most of the children attend regular school in the morning time but at evening they come in our centre for tuition. They learn all subjects as the organisation has hired local teachers for the same. Besides teaching them moral value lessons and English I have taken some special classes on important topics. Few days back I gave presentation about (Good touch and bad touch). I feel these kids are most vulnerable they must know about this subject. I believe from a very early age, we should talk to kids about their body, its different parts and should tell them the difference between good and bad touch.
Every month these students get some ration, food items, stationery and toiletries from the organization. Some students who can’t afford to pay their school fees get free education as the organization bears the cost. Another centre which is for the specially needed children also has same facilities and there the kids are also always enthusiastic to learn something new. Seeing these kids and helping them in education I am adding a positive impact on my life as well. My family support me doing this all, my daughters are also learning the meaning of helping /caring for society.
If I write about Project Help India I have to make another write up; as their service and work is lot more than helping just kids? They conduct free technology classes for young women for their future employment. Their team has joined hands with the local anti-human trafficking police team, and they provide care and counselling to rescued children and adults. During pandemic time their team was working 24/7 and was offering food items and medicines for hundreds of people. The founder and director of this organisation Amit and Daisy Samuel, are always ready to help the society. They believe in community work and feel happy reaching to the poor.
One has to come out of his or her comfort area to reach and care for the humanity. I will share few beautiful lines here said by Denzel Washington