Together, we are saving lives

Our Project Director, Mr Amit Samuel with Abhishek and his mother Urmila.

Our Project Director, Mr Amit Samuel with Abhishek and his mother Urmila.

During this time of the COVID crisis, those who are suffering are coming to us for help and support, and we are so pleased to be able to especially support the families of children who attend our schools. Abhishek is one of our students. He contracted polio at a young age which resulted in him not being able to use his right hand and arm. To make matters worse his grandparents believe that because of the polio Abhishek is cursed, thus denying him of their doting love and affection.

Abhishek’s mother Urmila is an example of an inspirational mother. She would have attended our SHINE Conference if it hadn’t been for COVID-19. Urmila endures constant domestic violence due to her husband’s alcoholism with any money that he earns as a daily labourer being spent on his alcohol. Urmila secretly works, so that any money she earns can be spent on food and the education of her two boys. When the Indian government enforced the national COVID lockdown, Urmila was unable to work and she only had enough food in the house for just two days.

‘Project Help India’ has been able to help by giving Urmila the food she needs, with the promise that this will continue until she is able to return to work. In the midst of such challenge there has been intervention thanks to your generous support. Not only have you assisted Abhishek’s family, your donation goes directly to help over 100 similar families. All up at a cost of $412 per day, we are serving 800 meals daily to the poor, homeless and disabled on the streets of Kotdwara. We do this at the request and blessing of the City Magistrate and with the assistance of the local police.

In the face of such human suffering and tragedy caused by COVID-19 Abhishek’s story is just one many across the world, reminding us that friendship, love and kindness make a significant difference in people’s lives. Never underestimate the impact you have.

Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.

Psalm 82:3

The story I am sharing today is of Abhishek, student of our city center. His mother’s name is Urmila. Urmila is of 30 yrs. Urmila is wife of Mr. Kishanpal (38 years), he is a daily wage labour. Urmila is mother of 2 children Abhishek (12 years) and Aditya (11 years). Her elder son Abhishek is a polio sufferer. He is helpless from his right hand. Urmila says she is ignored by her in-laws family because of Abhishek, as her family thinks Abhishek’s condition is a result of some curse. Urmila is not treated well by her husband and he don’t allow her to work. Urmila works secretly as domestic help in some houses and she earns a little amount of money so that she can feed herself and her children and can pay their school fees. Urmila says that whatever her husband earns he wastes all his money on his drinking alcohol. 

Urmila is living in conditions that could hardly be called liveable. She lives in a dirty slum in a rented single room where there is no proper electricity facility. Now since the lockdown is going on, Urmila is not able to earn anything at all. All of her savings were used by her husband in his thirst of alcohol and she has been left with nothing. The day when the lockdown started Urmila had just 2 days of food items so that she could feed her kids but after that she’s not able to make it. Urmila called out to ‘Project Help’ home and narrated her condition. In act of compassion we provided the family all the food items required and promised the family that with Project Help no one will sleep on an empty stomach. After getting the food supplies Urmila broke into tears and thanked us again and again for our help. 


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Account: 1134 1909

Account Name: Project Help India

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This comes with our love and thanks. Our prayers are also with you during this very difficult time.

May God be with you.

Doug, Rowena, Amit and Daisy.