Our jungle village kids are now able to study and do their homework at night.
Happy New Year from the team at ‘Project Help India’. We are incredibly excited about 2019 and we are thankful for your interest, help and support. Our prayers are with you for all that you hope to do and achieve this year.
2019 is shaping up to be another big year in the life of 'Project Help India'. We have many goals and we are ambitious and intentional about all we are seeking to achieve. We will be guided by our vision and mission and have a clear sense of purpose and strategy.
A reminder of what is our big picture
The mission of ‘Project Help India’ is to bring love, hope, dignity and purpose to the poor. Our vision is to focus on education, nutrition, health and ultimately human rights, so that individual lives are impacted, empowered and restored. ‘Project Help India’ seeks to bring about community change and generational transformation. ‘Project Help India’ seeks to grow in its impact and influence in the lives of people and communities, with a goal to ultimately expand into other towns and places of need.
Some of our 2019 resolutions are to;
- hold our second ‘SHINE’ Women’s Empowerment Conference in April. We are anticipating 900 delegates over 2 days!
- develop individualised programs for each of the high needs students who attend our Disability Centre in the Kotdwara City Centre
- improve the quality of education in each of our centres through ongoing teacher training
- continue to investigate and develop a strategy how we can purchase a property in the heart of Kotdwara (for our HQ)
- continue to investigate the feasibility of purchasing (or long-term lease) for a jungle school
- provide quality educational resources to assist the Kotdwara anti-human trafficking police team
- register ‘Project Help India’ with the ACNC (Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission)
- develop policies to ensure for excellence in all aspects of our operations and compliance
- be able to provide tax deductibility for our donors
Our efforts to achieve this (and so much more) spring-board off some fantastic things that have just happened in December.
Christmas Celebrations
Our team in India were delighted to describe the many wonderful Christmas celebrations across Kotdwara. Apparently, there was an incredible energy and enthusiasm for Christmas in the markets and churches in a way that has never been experienced before. Each one of our 260 students received a warm jumper as a Christmas present, which was well received given that it has been a particularly cold winter this year. Thank you to the students of Claremont College in Sydney, and a good number of others too, who raised the money to make this possible.
Bringing solar powered lights to the homes of 180 of our students
In December we were delighted to connect with another NGO, the ‘CBN Foundation’ www.cbn.in which heard about our projects. Through this, 180 of our students in slums and jungle villages had a bonus Christmas blessing of receiving a solar light to assist them with their work at night. Our Project Officer in Kotdwara wrote;
“The Jungle people were very happy. They said that these solar lights will help our kids to study at night. Now these kids are using the lights in night for their studies.”
We are thrilled that the CBN Foundation would like to continue to work with us with the goal of looking into the possibility of installing a water plant in the jungle villages, which will improve the quality of their drinking water.
We are very thankful for the generosity and heart of the CBN Foundation and look forward to further joint ventures and achievements in 2019. You can check the full report on our website at http://projecthelpindia.co/blog/
A Documentary on National Television
A national Indian Broadcasting Network, the ‘Colour Channel’ has produced a documentary about the story of Manisha, a young girl who is one of our students in the City Centre’. This will be aired later in January and we will send a link to you as soon as it becomes available.
What is your New Year Resolution?
Whether you agree with the concept of new year’s resolutions or not, might you resolve to be committed to supporting ‘Project Help India’ in 2019? We are an organisation that really is committed to making a difference in the lives of people, and I hope to can see that we operate with great intentionality and integrity. Your donation goes directly to our projects with minimal admin fees.
It is important to us that you feel connected to our story, so that the stories of lives of people impacted by poverty in India, intersect with your story too.
As we bring love, hope, dignity and purpose to these beautiful people, your life will be changed too.
Your regular donation will assist in bringing light to the poorest of the poor in 2019.
BSB: 062 230 (Commonwealth Bank Randwick, Sydney)
Account: 1134 1909
Account Name: Project Help India
OR donate directly at
Thank you for being a part of our story.
Bless you,
Doug and Rowena (in Sydney) & Amit and Daisy (in India)