260 Children (and more with your help)

Village Parmawala students, located in the Himalayan foothills. These kids cannot get to a local school each day without facing many dangers in the jungle. Our centre in the village gives them access to education, love and care.

Village Parmawala students, located in the Himalayan foothills. These kids cannot get to a local school each day without facing many dangers in the jungle. Our centre in the village gives them access to education, love and care.

As we step into the month of June, and with just 4 weeks until tax time, we wanted to thank you for the support you have given ‘Project Help India’ over the past financial year. We want to remind you of the difference you’re making in the lives of so many people. Thanks to your generosity we have grown from helping just 50 children a week back in 2012 and now, just seven short years later, we help 260 children each week …and education is just one aspect of all that ‘Project Help India’ does.

260 children

We operate six education centres in the state of Uttarakhand in Northern India. There are 2 centres in Kotdwara (96 students) and another in the town of Bijnor (33 students). There are also three centres in jungle villages in the Himalayan foothills, reaching out to another 131 students.

 Each centre provides free tuition in Hindi, English, Maths, a sports game a week and teaches life skills such as hygiene and nutrition. The children receive a free large hot meal every day which is vital in helping them to be strong and healthy. As well as this, we have extended support to 6 disabled students who require significant help and intervention. Most of these children would otherwise never go to school.

Our impact extends beyond the classroom with ‘Project Help’ community workers supporting parents. We help individuals who are significantly impacted by poverty, those in crisis due to specific personal circumstances, and to families impacted by natural disasters such as the annual monsoon floods. Our very new ‘Project Help’ Medical Centre is an exciting addition to the services that we provide to the slums and the people we care for.

Thanks to your generosity, our projects have expanded beyond anything we could have ever anticipated. The demand and ability for us to grow is only limited by the funds we receive. People in terrible need are constantly asking us for help. We are sad that we often can’t help them. We must be wise and prudent in our use of valuable funds. Just recently in March we were asked to take over a small slum school which is about to close. Unfortunately, at this point in time, our finances could not be stretched that far.

Would you please consider making a tax-deductible donation prior to the 30th June to help maintain our projects, and to help us grow, expand and maximise our impact.

OR  if tax deductibility is not required, your EFT donation can be made at

BSB: 062 230 (Commonwealth Bank Randwick) 

Account: 1134 1909

Account Name: Project Help India

Please write your name in the reference section so we can thank you.

We are changing people’s lives and we could not do this without you. Please spread the word to someone who you think might like to make a donation.

About 'Project Help India'

Our mission is to bring love, hope, dignity and purpose to the poor in Kotdwara and Bijnor, India. Our vision is to focus on education, nutrition, health and human rights, so that individual lives are impacted, empowered and restored. We seek to bring about community change and generational transformation. Project Help India seeks to grow in its impact and influence in the lives of people and communities, with a goal to ultimately expand into other towns and places of need.

If you did not catch up with all we achieved over the past 12 months, here is a link to our most recent 2018 Annual Report.

With love and gratitude,

Doug and the Project Help Team.