Beautiful eggs decorated by some of our students this week.
The mission of Project Help India is ‘to bring love, hope, dignity and purpose to the poor in India’, and what a perfect opportunity we have had to do this at Easter.
We are privileged to be educating over 600 children who come to our 13 centres 5 days a week to learn and receive a nutritious meal. On Friday at all of our centres our students also had the bonus of enjoying some chocolate that came packaged with lots and lots of love!
While our students come from mostly Hindu and Muslim backgrounds, Easter is recognised as an important religious festival. Irrespective of differences, great respect and reverence are given to learning about the things of God. Easter provides us with the opportunity to tell the children about how much they are loved and valued.
Poverty is cruel and these slum and village kids come from some very dark and challenging circumstances. Daily, they face situations marked by hunger, poor hygiene and sanitation, parent addictions and domestic violence, a scarcity of family resources, and certainly none of the comforts that we in the western world often take for granted. The message of Easter brings hope in times of present suffering and hope for all that is possible in the future. Where there is love, there is always light.
Kids are kids no matter where in the world. They love to listen to stories, wonder, learn, create, laugh and play games. Our lessons this week were filled with fun and discovery - along with the important reminder that each one of us is a precious child of God.
Thank you to our supporters. Your kindness and generosity this week brought chocolate, smiles, and hope to some very marginalised and vulnerable children – in a very remote part of the world where Easter eggs are not found in any of the shops. The kids send their love and gratitude back to you.