From the top: Celebrating India's Independence Day at Village Village Kadarganj School and City Centre School; Anisha; and Sanjay with some of the young men of Village Parmawala.
Greetings from North India where just this week the ‘Project Help Team’ have been incredibly busy. The diversity of stories in this blog demonstrates what an extreme place Kotdwara is. We are delighted to share our progress with you, and we thank you from the bottom of our heart, for your kindness and generosity. So much is happening, and we are mindful that we could not impact the lives of people without your support …so thank you for connecting with our story. We are so humbled that ‘Project Help’ has grown in just a few years to be positioned in the midst of people’s celebrations, achievements, happiness, as well as their sadness and distress. This community is reaching out to us for help, we are touching people’s lives and we are making a difference.
Last week we reached out to you, to help Asha. Thank you to the people who were able to make a donation. We are thrilled to tell you that Asha has returned home from hospital. She is steadily recovering. There is still a long road ahead for her but ‘Project help India’ is checking in on her and the family daily.
Independence Day
This week each of our centres celebrated India’s Independence Day. We are teaching our students to work hard and to have a positive vision for their future. Through education and the changing of mindsets of those who live in poverty we are instilling a growth mindset in the way children understand their talents, abilities and value, and to believe for a hopeful and happy life. Together we work to build strong communities and a strong India. Our efforts this week were acknowledged in the local newspaper.
A significant achievement in Village Parmawala
Our teacher and community leader in Village Parmawala, Mr Sanjay Singh has had a remarkable impact in the lives of some of the local youth. Through counselling and mentoring, the young men of the village have committed to not drinking alcohol. Through empowering these men, they are also educating others, and have been working with the local police to make the entire village ‘alcohol free’. One of the goals of ‘Project Help India’ is to impact communities and bring about generational change. This achievement reflects the power of education and the building of trusted relationships. This is all incredibly exciting.
Introducing Anisha and Naveen
Aneesha is 10 years old and she really has a tough life. Rakhi her teacher at Parmawala brought this young girl and her sister Naveen (aged 8) to our attention. Becuase of poverty, these girls are at risk of significant harm due to the impact of alcohol and domestic violence. We are helping these girls through their access to a ‘Project Help’ education, however we are aware that there is not enough money in the family to provide for their very basic needs. We would be delighted if anyone would like to reach out to sponsor this family at a cost of $25AUS a month. Contact us to let us know.
A Horrific Crime in Kotdwara
This week we were informed of a most distressing crime that occurred in Kotdwara.
“In the most barbaric incident of recent times, a serious crime of rape took place on 5 August 2019 in slum of Kotdwar. The police got the breakthrough when a family from Lakdipadao slum launched a missing complaint of their 10 yr old girl. According to police the girl was allegedly brutally murdered by two of her neighbours , Padam (28 yrs) and Ashok (31 yrs ). The two accused have been arrested. When the police interrogated on of the men he confessed to his crime. The body was found in a horrible state the cause of death was rape and suffocation. The body was in a decomposed condition as it was all eaten by pigs and stray dogs. This proves that the child faced the brutality. The incident had sparked a lot of outrage and left people shaken. They have become concerned about their children. Rape is the fourth most common crime against women in India. According to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB ) 2013 annual report, 24,923 rape cases were reported across India in 2012 Out of these, 24,470 were commited by someone known to the viktim. 98% of cases. (Quoted from Project Help Officer’s email 15th August)
The victim of this most heinous of crimes, was not a student of our slum schools but her family lives in the same location. Our team has reached out to the family with gifts and emotional support. We pray that our love will provide some comfort in this terrible time. This incident has reminded us of the need to review our Child Protection programs in each of our schools, to give children strategies and awareness to protect themselves.
Our story is your story
These exciting initiatives have only been made possible because of the generosity and prayerful support of others. Can you believe that all of this has happened in just one week?
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Account: 1134 1909
Account Name: Project Help India
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Thanks so much.
Love Doug and Rowena