Meet the Little Drummer Boy


This little boy is Moono. He is 7 years old and this week he captured our hearts. On Thursday Moono arrived at our door in Kotdwara, asking for some food and money as he sang and played his drum. Moono said that he does not have parents and he had walked all the way from Najibabad, another town quite some distance away. There is little doubt that this boy, like so many other children in India is vulnerable and at high risk of abuse and exploitation. He must be incredibly brave, and we can only imagine how scared he must be each night, alone and by himself, as he hides and sleeps in dark and unfamiliar places. 

After arriving at our centre, Moono was given a meal, he had a bath and was given a fresh set of clothes, which he is wearing in this photo. His face lit up with a beautiful smile, as he played his drum alongside 14 year old Jonathan (Amit and Daisy’s son). In this moment, Amit described Moono as “a wonderful image of God”. 

Soon after, as quickly as he appeared, Moono said he wanted to go. Daisy tried to convince him to stay but he just walked away, not to be seen again.

Thank you for your donation to ‘Project Help India’. Because of you, we have the funds that position us to help the needy like this little drummer boy. In India the need is great and sadly it’s a bottomless pit but we can, and we do, make a difference. 

We know that small magic moments such as these, are significant for individuals like Moono. We pray that one day soon he might return, or we will find him and can help him some more. In the mean time, we pray that this little chap will be surrounded by angels and be kept safe. 

For all the strategy, forward planning and budgeting, we sometimes just never know who might arrive at our doorstep.

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Jesus said... “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:31-40

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Account: 1134 1909

Account Name: Project Help India

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