Love & Help - Clothes Distribution
Our Team collected emergency supplies - mostly from their own personal belongings at home.
Flood and Rain water damage in the Jungle Villages
Many of the mud huts have been damaged to the extent that they are no longer able to be lived in. People are fearing for their safety - especially from ongoing rain, dangerous animals, poor sanitation and the loss of their immediate daily income.
There is currently complete isolation from any form of help and assistance.
Can you Help Us Please
Flood Damage
Starting on the 9th of August a series of monsoon storms caused flooding in Kotdwara city and the surrounding areas, including the jungle villages where Project Help works. The riverside slums have been most impacted with storm after storm washing away makeshift dwellings and houses. For a number of nights the storms persisted causing the banks of the river to crumble and give way, and subsequently more and more houses were washed away.
In the photo top left, stands our Director Amit Samuel with two lepers Kavi Raj and his friend. Their entire housing compound was completely washed away one night. These men and their families have nowhere to live and are relying on any help that we give.
Emergency Response - an update
Our team has been working around the clock to rescue and care for a large number of families who this week, have been impacted by heavy rains and flash flooding.
Families are building makeshift shelters on the sides of main roads, and we are assisting with clothing bedding, counselling and guidance. Amit, our Director is working with local police and officials, who once again are turning to 'Project Help' for help. The local government has no resources to assist the dalit slum dwellers. The rest of the city has been impacted as well and the situation is was initially very chaotic.
Our first response was to assist the police to help locate and rescue people, providing safe drinking water, bread and fruit to 300 hungry adults and children, and help relocate them to safety. Over the first days we have put together 500 basic ration packs costing approximately $3800AUD.
We have also set up an emergency medical camp, providing assistance to the elderly and to those who remain isolated and unable to access medical help, disinfectant, guidance and moral support.
We are thankful to the many people who generously donated to help these poor and vulnerable people whose resilience and optimism (despite loosing so much) is inspiring.
The local media and some nation news agencies have reported on this flooding disaster and highlighted and praised the response of Project Help India.
We need more funds and so, are reaching out to you for your support.
Despite the devastation - where there is love, there is hope
This week, the city of Kotdwara was impacted by torrential rain and flash flooding. The dalit slum dwellers who live alongside the river and many lost everything. We are thankful that everyone is safe and the children who we work with are accounted for.
Project Help India responded swiftly.
Where there is love, there is hope and we know that love always prevails.
THANK YOU for your URGENT help - we did it!
As quickly as the floods destroyed homes and livelihoods, we sent out a call to our supporters for help.
- many people responded immediately and generously, and we exceeded our target of $2100 - we're just blown away and so very grateful to you.
- we reached those who we were especially worried about (see below)
- our team in Punjab worked incredibly hard to activate their resources getting food supplies to some very hungry and vulnerable people. Each family received a bundle of dry rations - a month's worth of food supplies and cooking ingredients
- we will use the excess funds to continue to care for these families in Punjab, and some others in Kotdwara who are really doing it tough with the extreme monsoon rains
- please pray for everyone's ongoing welfare, safety (especially for those frightened children) and that the rains will ease.
Saleem, our Director in Punjab and wrote the following message, which I received at 3pm today…
Dear Supporters
We were ready with ration packets for the last two days, but there is only one way to reach these villages, and the main bridge was washed away due to high water flow, so we were unable to reach them. Yesterday the local people temporarily repaired that bridge. We went there and met them, the children were scared, as it is expected that flood water level will increase more. Their parents were worried about their crops and the foundations of some people's houses were also shaken.
We strengthened them by giving them ration packets and told them that Project Help India cares about you and your children. Some heart touching stories have emerged which we will soon share separately. sending you some photos attached with this email. Thanks