When there seems to be no hope

Asha is a remarkable woman. Her strength, resilience and courage hold her family and many in her community together. The photo on the left was taken the day after the monsoon ruined her house in 2018. The photo on the right was taken on a much bette…

Asha is a remarkable woman. Her strength, resilience and courage hold her family and many in her community together. The photo on the left was taken the day after the monsoon ruined her house in 2018. The photo on the right was taken on a much better day.

There’s just two weeks here in Australia until the end of the 2019-20 tax year, and I am writing to ask you to consider making a tax-deductible donation to ‘Project Help India’

Our cause is simple and powerful. It is love in action, bringing hope and help to others.

This week has been another huge week for us in Northern India. We have had to respond to a huge thunderstorm that has caused significant damage to one of our classrooms in jungle village Parmawala. Repairs will be required prior to 15th August, when classes are scheduled to recommence.

We have also been delivering school work to our 270 students at their homes in the slums. These kids are still unable to come to school due to the COVID-19 lockdown. The home visits give us the chance to check-in on their wellbeing and safety, responding to any pastoral needs that we become aware of.

We are thrilled to hear stories of thanks and appreciation for the impact we are having in the lives of people, and the deep, long lasting change this is having in the broader communities where they live. Take Asha for example. She is a remarkable woman who never gives up. Her resilience, generosity and courage inspire us and many others in her community. Her story gives you a glimpse of what it’s like to live in a slum in modern day India. We consider it a wonderful privilege to be able to help her however we can.

Asha - her family, friends and community

Asha is 36 years old. She is wife of Mr. Sher Singh, a local utensil seller, mother of five children, Aman, Karan, Sandhya, Vivek and Sahil. Asha says ‘Project Help’ has had a huge impact on her life. Asha was suffering from heart disease when ‘Project Help’ took the responsibility of helping her. She had an emergency operation and all of the expenses were paid for by ‘Project Help’. She was previously the cook in our Slum Centre but due to her heart condition she was unable to continue her job. Asha was also a door to door cosmetic seller, earning Rs 30 to Rs50 (60c to $1AUS) per day, but because of her medical condition she could not continue this.

Asha’s son Aman was born with many medical issues and his doctor told them that he would not live beyond 14 years old. But ‘Project Help’ has given Aman the best treatment possible, providing for his surgery and long-term rehabilitation. Aman who now works as a member of our staff team is 20 years old and living a fit, busy and healthy life.

Asha says that her life was full of other hardships too. Her husband was an alcoholic but through the counselling by ‘Project Help’ he stopped his drinking. Asha says that her children were facing lot of problems with malnutrition and no education but these problems have been solved by the programs of ‘Project Help’. Now three of her children are currently getting an education at our Slums Centre. One of Asha’s brothers, Rajesh, was also suffering from some severe medical problems and he was the help of ‘Project Help’ and cured of his condition. Her hardships have continued... In 2018 the thatched roof of her hut was destroyed in the monsoon and that too was mended by ‘Project Help’. 

Asha also recalls many people in her community who have been helped in many ways by ‘Project Help’. Through connections with her extended family, ‘Project Help’ has expanded to setting up a centre in a slum community in the city of Bijnor, approximately 50km away.

Reflecting on the impact that ‘Project Help’ has had on her life and family, Asha says that Shine Conference has been a significant highlight helping her to know that she has importance. “This program tells women their purpose of living” she says. She also says that the conference was the only time when she and many women could have a rest, dance and have some fun. She was given a mirror at Shine Conference. She says that when she now looks in the mirror she can take care of herself and is reminded of her value and worth. The conference has helped the women get knowledge about themselves and understand their hygiene and health. Asha says that the first time she had ever seen a sanitary napkin was when she was given one at SHINE. 

“The best thing she says was that Shine Conference taught them to live happily in whatever conditions they are in. The lady should know her value, her purpose of life and her strength.”

 Asha now shares this message with her friends and other women in her community. The women in the slum highly respect Asha, and come to her for guidance, help and support in the day to day problems that they face.

It is the generosity of our friends and supporters who have made all of this possible for Asha and her family, and so many other families too – thank you!

Please help us this tax time by making a donation. Simply click the pink donate button at the top right corner of this page …and more importantly, do not underestimate the opportunities you have each and every day, to bring hope and help to others - your neighbours, your community and people in your sphere of influence. This is love in action and this is how our world is going to get through these difficult times.

Thank you.

Our Journey, Our story

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There’s just three weeks here in Australia until the end of the 2019-20 tax year, and I am writing to ask you to consider making a tax-deductible donation to ‘Project Help India’.

Our cause is simple and powerful. It is love in action.

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The mission of ‘Project Help India’ is to bring love, hope, dignity and purpose to the poor. Our vision is to focus on education, nutrition, health and ultimately human rights, so that individual lives are impacted, empowered and restored. ‘Project Help India’ seeks to bring about community change and generational transformation. ‘Project Help India’ seeks to grow in its impact and influence in the lives of people and communities, with a goal to ultimately expand into other towns and places of need.


We stand alongside others as members of one global family demanding equality, justice and dignity. A demand for change has always been at the heart of ‘Project help India’ and this is the reason, back in 2010, our Project Directors, Amit and Daisy Samuel started reaching out to just a small number of children and their parents in a slum in Kotdwara. Many of the children were on drugs, particularly addicted to lighter fluid. Someone had to fight for these people’s rights. They were uneducated and powerless, not even knowing that they had rights!

The slum people are persecuted and discriminated because they are the ‘untouchable’ Dalits. Both their caste and racial background meant that they are regarded as the lowest of the lowest, not worthy of being educated, allowed to have most jobs, or given any status or recognition in any shape or form. They are frequently affected by anti-dalit violence. They perform the work that nobody else wants to do, such as preparing bodies for funerals, tanning animal hides, collecting rubbish, recycling plastic and killing rats, vermin and other pests. Doing anything with dead cattle or cow hides is regarded particularly unclean in Hinduism. Under both the local Hindu and Buddhist beliefs, a job that involves death corrupts the worker’s souls, making them unfit to mingle with other people in the community. On top of this, many are displaced, living in the slum because they moved from mountain towns and villages due to natural disasters and poverty.

In Kotdwara there was no one who loved them or cared for them, until the message and actions of ‘Project Help India’ intersected with their lives.

It has been an incredible journey since then, with our work growing in size and impact. Thanks to Amit and Daisy, the original slum community is now recognised by the local municipality and the people have a sense of dignity. Thanks to our SHINE Conference and other women’s empowerment programs, a message of worth and purpose has impacted the women. The women share this message with each other. Education is now accessible and valued by parents and their children are growing up with dreams for a future that is way bigger than the dirty rubbish ‘reg’ picking jobs that they were otherwise destined for, starting from the time they begin to walk. Words cannot express how relieved and thankful we are, that through our programs and the consistency of message we have delivered over these years, a community is being transformed and children are no longer sacrificed and brutally harmed in religious ceremonies.

This is because of a powerful message which says;

you are loved

you matter

you have value

you have purpose, and;

you can have a future

There are now thousands of children, and their parents, who are hearing this message because of the authenticity of the ‘Project Help India’ story – God’s love in action.

We are humbled and ‘blown away’ by the fact that the influence of ‘Project Help India’ has expanded beyond Kotdwara. We now have an Education Centre 50km away in Bijnor and up in mountain jungle villages. Over this past year we have partnered with the Uttrakhand State and local police to get kids off the streets from begging and into schools and we are rescuing stolen and trafficked children from across the state and getting them back to their families and homes.

You have helped us to make all of this possible.

Please help us this tax time by making a donation. Simply click the pink donate button at the top right corner of this page.

Thank you.

So, who is blessed the most?

Harsh enjoying a special visit by his teacher during the lockdown. The kids can’t wait to come back to school.

Harsh enjoying a special visit by his teacher during the lockdown. The kids can’t wait to come back to school.

As I reflect on the amazing work over recent days of the ‘Project Help India’ Team, I am humbled by the incredible privilege that it is to work alongside some incredible people as we serve the poor and needy. Our work within the slum communities of Kotdwara, opens a door for each one of us to grow and be blessed through our connection with many special people. We learn from these people, we admire them and we are enriched and inspired by their determination, persistence, patience, wisdom, smiles and the simplicity of their lives. Mother Theresa said that she truly saw the face of God in people who suffered because of poverty, and I understand what she meant by this. I have seen God’s face, and my words cannot do justice to what I’m trying to explain.

I feel like these people help me more than I help them. I am blessed, levelled, and I get a sense of perspective about life which in itself, is an incredible gift to receive. Many of my friends (and family) who have travelled with me to India feel the same way too. Knowing these people, educating their children and helping their community really is a privilege that I thank God for. As a positive, COVID-19 has drawn us together in a way that helps us to see how connected in friendship we are -despite the distance that separates us. Their story has become a large part of my story, the ‘Project help India’ story …and I invite you to be part of this too.

During this time of COVID-19, the Indian Government continues to enforce a nation-wide lockdown, perhaps for all of June (arrghh!!) . Unfortunately the virus is now spreading in the district and three people have been infected in Kotdwara. Presently we are handing out ration packs feeding 600 people a day, as well as serving breakfast to those who are forced to live in a local quarantine centre.

Anita’s children are no longer hungry

Anita’s children are no longer hungry

Mrs Anita (pictured above with Daisy our Director) is a widow, and she has been receiving our help daily. She is thankful beyond words that we are feeding her family, at a time when she cannot work and meet her children’s needs.

This week I heard about Tamanna (pictured above with Harsh), the Teacher’s Aide at our Disability Centre. Tamanna lives in the slum where her students live. During the lockdown she has been able to visit children, one at a time, and she has been teaching them, doing crafts, doing speaking activities, physical exercises and checking in on their wellbeing. She also teaches the students and their family members about how to be safe from COVID-19. Tamanna also spends much of her day sewing face masks for her students. What a legend! Tamanna, is a blessing, and she has her job thanks to the generosity of an Australian family, who pay for her annual wage.

Blessing creates blessing! This is community in action.

Two weeks back our team created a special opportunity for each of our Disability Centre students, giving them a goodie bag for them to celebrate the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. The goodie bag contained a hair oil bottle, a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, a toy, a talcum powder and some chocolates. Our Project Officer reported…

“The children were so much excited to get back to their classes, but we had to make them understand that soon we will, but not yet, open the centre for them. We have called all the students one by one to the centre so that we can distribute the gifts to them. The students came and we have handed them the goodie bags. We have instructed the students as well as their parents about the pandemic and how to keep the corona virus spread away from them.”

We wish you could have been there in person to see the joy and happiness on the children’s faces (your friendship was there in spirit!). So, to our supporters, thank you for being a blessing! You are loved and appreciated by an entire community of people. Know that during this COVID crisis, you are making a significant and important difference in the lives of some people who really are the poorest of the poor. You are literally saving people’s lives. And know too, that the blessings are coming back in your direction! Perhaps it’s us who are blessed the most.

Thank you for being a part of the ‘Project Help India’ story at this unique time in history.

“Spreading smiles” not COVID-19

This is one of Usha’s daughters receiving a ration pack from Project Director - Daisy Samuel

This is one of Usha’s daughters receiving a ration pack from Project Director - Daisy Samuel

Dear friends and supporters,

I wanted to give you an important update regarding our work in India. Mission COVID-19 is still going on and our staff are exhausted. Every day we provide meals for slum people who have no income to buy food or essential items. The people in Kotdwara are now permitted to go to the markets which are opened for 5 hours a day, however, many are not permitted to work. With no work, they have no money. With no money, they have no food. This situation is rapidly turning into a human tragedy. Sadly we are being told of thousands of people across India who are dying of starvation due to the COVID-19 lockdown. This is not being shown in the media. Thankfully we are not aware of any deaths in Kotdwara, thanks to ‘Project Help’.

Just this week I received this report from our Project Administrator, and it has some great news… all of this made possible, thanks to the generosity of our Australian friends and supporters.

Usha’s Story

‘Project Help’ is continuously spreading smiles on people’s face. Please have a look on the attached picture and see their relieved and happy smiles. This family is of our Slum Centre kids, Kanchan, Shristi and Kashish. Kanchan’s mother is Usha she is 34 years old.  Her husband Mr. Soni is an alcoholic. Usha (pictured bottom right) says she can’t stop her tears when she thinks of her hardships. This family is the most suffering family of our slums area. They all live in a very small shack made up of polythene plastic, used sarees and some bamboos. This family is an inspiration to all of us because they still smile. When we asked what is the reason for your smile, they say;

“God who have given us a family like Project Help who takes care of our every need.”

This filled me with tears and I was very proud at the same time. Yesterday due to a heavy storm their hut was destroyed. The family is already suffering because of lockdown as Usha and her husband can’t go out and do their daily wage earnings. They say they didn’t have anything to eat, so they came to the Project Help office and reported their suffering. Immediately Mr Amit Samuel Sir took action and rations (essential food supplies) were provided to them. 

We want to thank all of our sponsors that without their help we would not have been able to help these families. WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK ALL OUR SPONSORS FROM BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS, that without your help these people would have not survived this long. 

May God bestow his best blessings upon you and your family, and keep you safe.

Indian Lockdown extended until 30th May - maybe longer

Our daily food distribution will continue until the Indian Government ends the lockdown in two weeks. Until then we anticipate that we continue to serve 400 meals twice a day, which adds up to 5600 people fed each week.

Please share this email with others who you think can help us. Our meals cost just over $400 a day, so this is another $6000 that we will require until then.

This week our work was reported in one of India’s leading newspapers, which has over 100 000 readers just in our town of Kotdwara. In addition to providing emergency food rations, our team is writing COVID education and awareness articles, which are being published in the local media. We are so proud of our team who are working incredibly hard to make this possible. Our 15 paid staff each has a role in helping. Our teachers are working herd to check in with their students and families.

In the face of such human suffering and tragedy caused by COVID-19, Usha’s story is just one many reminding us that, love, kindness and compassion make a significant difference in people’s lives. We join our Project Administrator in thanking you from the bottom of our hearts.

There's no distancing love, kindness and compassion


There is no distancing between ‘Project Help’ and love, kindness and compassion. COVID can’t stop us! This is especially true in the city of Kotdwara, Northern India, where we are feeding families in poverty and heading into the sixth week of the current Indian Government enforced lockdown.

Rashid collecting meal packets for his wife and children.

Rashid collecting meal packets for his wife and children.

It’s so great to see the smile of 39 year old, father Rashid who so enthusiastically expressed his gratitude to us.

Rashid is a daily wage labourer who due to the lockdown is unable to leave his house and therefore unable to work. He described to us how difficult it has been for him as a father watching his children slowly getting hungrier every day. He feared that they would soon die.

“Now they are getting the food packets daily. Project Help is like God’s ambassador for my family”

Our daily food distribution will continue until the India government ends the lockdown in two weeks time (we hope). We are still serving 400 meals twice a day, which adds up to 5600 people fed each week. It’s incredible what our team has been able to activate in such a short period of time. We especially honour Mr Amit Samuel, our Project Director, for his leadership and his brother Amrit who is working tirelessly every day with very little sleep. The news of our projects has not gone unnoticed. The local magistrate’s department is supportive and most thankful, appointing police to provide safety and security in the five slum areas that we are working in. Our work is being reported in the local newspapers and on the television news too. You can click this link below if you are interested to watch (but it’s in Hindi!).

All up we are serving about 100 families on an average per day with meal packets. These people say…

“You people are like God’s angels to us. If you would not have given us food then our kids and us might have died because of hunger, as our daily food depends on our daily earnings, so if there is no earning there is no food for them”.

Thank you to all our wonderful supporters in Australia. When we get to the other side of this COVID-19 crisis, and talk about it in years to come, you will have the satisfaction of being able to say that you helped save lives with your love, kindness and compassion. Indeed, wellbeing research tells us that helping others is a great way to preserve your own positive mental health during times of crisis and difficulty. Thank you for your generosity. In the face of such human suffering and tragedy caused by COVID-19 Rashid’s story is just one many reminding us that, love, kindness and compassion make a significant difference in people’s lives. Never underestimate the impact you have.

Please share this email with others who you think can help us. The lockdown in India will continue through to 17 May. Our meals cost just over $400 a day, so this is a total of $5600 that we will require to continue through till then.


Donate - You can make your tax deductible donation by clicking HERE. As you click the link, scroll to the bottom of the page, then click the ‘SUPPORT THIS PROJECT NOW' button. Ensure that you are donating to (WYG-IND-PHI-2020).

OR if tax deductibility is not required, your EFT donation can be made at

BSB: 062 230 (Commonwealth Bank Randwick) 

Account: 1134 1909

Account Name: Project Help India

Please write your name in the reference section so that we can thank you.

And please share this blog.

This comes with our love and thanks. Our prayers are also with you during this very difficult time.

May God be with you.

Together, we are saving lives

Our Project Director, Mr Amit Samuel with Abhishek and his mother Urmila.

Our Project Director, Mr Amit Samuel with Abhishek and his mother Urmila.

During this time of the COVID crisis, those who are suffering are coming to us for help and support, and we are so pleased to be able to especially support the families of children who attend our schools. Abhishek is one of our students. He contracted polio at a young age which resulted in him not being able to use his right hand and arm. To make matters worse his grandparents believe that because of the polio Abhishek is cursed, thus denying him of their doting love and affection.

Abhishek’s mother Urmila is an example of an inspirational mother. She would have attended our SHINE Conference if it hadn’t been for COVID-19. Urmila endures constant domestic violence due to her husband’s alcoholism with any money that he earns as a daily labourer being spent on his alcohol. Urmila secretly works, so that any money she earns can be spent on food and the education of her two boys. When the Indian government enforced the national COVID lockdown, Urmila was unable to work and she only had enough food in the house for just two days.

‘Project Help India’ has been able to help by giving Urmila the food she needs, with the promise that this will continue until she is able to return to work. In the midst of such challenge there has been intervention thanks to your generous support. Not only have you assisted Abhishek’s family, your donation goes directly to help over 100 similar families. All up at a cost of $412 per day, we are serving 800 meals daily to the poor, homeless and disabled on the streets of Kotdwara. We do this at the request and blessing of the City Magistrate and with the assistance of the local police.

In the face of such human suffering and tragedy caused by COVID-19 Abhishek’s story is just one many across the world, reminding us that friendship, love and kindness make a significant difference in people’s lives. Never underestimate the impact you have.

Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.

Psalm 82:3

The story I am sharing today is of Abhishek, student of our city center. His mother’s name is Urmila. Urmila is of 30 yrs. Urmila is wife of Mr. Kishanpal (38 years), he is a daily wage labour. Urmila is mother of 2 children Abhishek (12 years) and Aditya (11 years). Her elder son Abhishek is a polio sufferer. He is helpless from his right hand. Urmila says she is ignored by her in-laws family because of Abhishek, as her family thinks Abhishek’s condition is a result of some curse. Urmila is not treated well by her husband and he don’t allow her to work. Urmila works secretly as domestic help in some houses and she earns a little amount of money so that she can feed herself and her children and can pay their school fees. Urmila says that whatever her husband earns he wastes all his money on his drinking alcohol. 

Urmila is living in conditions that could hardly be called liveable. She lives in a dirty slum in a rented single room where there is no proper electricity facility. Now since the lockdown is going on, Urmila is not able to earn anything at all. All of her savings were used by her husband in his thirst of alcohol and she has been left with nothing. The day when the lockdown started Urmila had just 2 days of food items so that she could feed her kids but after that she’s not able to make it. Urmila called out to ‘Project Help’ home and narrated her condition. In act of compassion we provided the family all the food items required and promised the family that with Project Help no one will sleep on an empty stomach. After getting the food supplies Urmila broke into tears and thanked us again and again for our help. 


Donate - You can make your tax deductible donation by clicking HERE. As you click the link, scroll to the bottom of the page, then click the ‘SUPPORT THIS PROJECT NOW' button. Ensure that you are donating to (WYG-IND-PHI-2020).

OR if tax deductibility is not required, your EFT donation can be made at

BSB: 062 230 (Commonwealth Bank Randwick) 

Account: 1134 1909

Account Name: Project Help India

Please write your name in the reference section so that we can thank you.

And please share this blog.

This comes with our love and thanks. Our prayers are also with you during this very difficult time.

May God be with you.

Doug, Rowena, Amit and Daisy.

Our Shopping List for the feeding of 5000 during the COVID-19 lockdown

A meal that comes with love.

A meal that comes with love.

I am writing to give a big “thank you” to the many people who responded to our cry for help last week. Thanks to your generosity we can move forward every day by serving 800 meals. This is 5000 meals served in approximately one week, all made possible because of you. It’s not cheap and it really has stretched our resources, both in terms of finances, strategic planning, not to mention the physical effort and activation of our entire ‘Project Help’ Team. Behind the scenes everyone is working incredibly hard, however only a few people who are permitted by the local magistrate to go out on the streets, to deliver and serve the food during this time of enforced national lockdown.

It really is a modern day of the feeding of the 5000, meals delivered with a message of God’s hope and love and you are part of this story and miracle.

Below, I have included a report written by one of our team (thanks Gipsa!) …and just because it’s really interesting, I have included the shopping list, for what is required in one day to cook and feed 800 people (and probably some extra toddlers and elderly).

Our weekly COVID-19 crisis shopping list

80kg rice - 3200rupees = $71.10AUD

22kg lentils – 2200rupees = $48.90AUD

7 litres mustard oil – 700rupees = $15.55AUD

6kg salt – 120rupees = $2.66AUD

4.5kg coriander powder – 1215rupees = $27AUD

3kg turmeric powder - 813rupees = $18AUD

1kg red chilli powder – 340rupees = $7.55AD

500g cumin seeds – 120rupees = $2.66AUD

6.5kg onions – 650rupees = $14.44AUD

6.5kg tomatoes – 390rupees = $8.66AUD

105kg wheat flour – 3150rupees = $70AUD

40kg vegetables – 3200rupees = $71.10AUD

2.5kg potatoes – 75rupees = $1.66AUD

3 LPG gas cylinders – 2400rupees = $53.33AUD

Total Amount Payable INR 18,573 ($412.73AUD) for per day for the meal packs.

Can you contribute to this weekly shopping list? How about sponsor the purchase of a week’s supply of rice ($71), lentils ($48), onions ($14), spices, vegetable or gas?

As you throw in a few extra “just in case” things into your shopping trolley this week, please remember our friends in Kotdwara who need these essentials. This is not panic buying, rather, it’s a matter of life or death for them! Also please pray for India, as it is a nation that is on the verge of a humanitarian crisis.

Greetings of the day

Hope you are doing well. This mail is to inform you that we are now already serving 400 people at one time a day and this service we provide two times a day so it is about 800 meals a day we are distributing. Yes brother, you are right that this service is not only for our slums family. As we have informed you before that we are requested by the government officials to provide food for the needy people (poor, daily wage labours, people who are stuck in Kotdwara due to lockdown, utensil sellers or other door to door sellers etc). For this we have got special permissions and as the government is seeing our work by our daily updates they have appointed a government employee Mr. Sumit and a policeman with us for our safety and care. We are maintaining paper work also on daily basis in which we are taking signatures, name and phone numbers of the people to whom we are distributing the food packets. We have to submit a copy of this data to the government District Magistrate Office. The Government officials are very thankful to us and they are appreciating our work. The area where we are distributing the meal packs are different slum areas of Kotdwara like Jhoolabasti, Lakdipadao, Aampadao, including our city and slum centres homes and some other places where we are getting instructions by the government office.

We are serving about 100 families on an average per day with meal packets. These people says that  “you people are like God’s angles to us, if you would not have given us food then our kids and us might have died because of hunger, as our daily food depends on our daily earnings, so if there is no earning that it means there is no food” 


Donate - You can make your tax deductible donation by clicking any of the DONATE HERE buttons on this website. As you click the link ensure that you are donating to (WYG-IND-PHI-2020).

OR if tax deductibility is not required, your EFT donation can be made at

BSB: 062 230 (Commonwealth Bank Randwick) 

Account: 1134 1909

Account Name: Project Help India

Please write your name in the reference section so we can thank you.

And please share this blog.

This comes with our love and thanks. Our prayers are also with you during this very difficult time. May God be with you.

Slum Life, COVID, and Uber Eats 'Project Help' style

Project Director, Mr Amit Samuel visiting the slums this week - bringing food, soap, education awareness and emotional support

Project Director, Mr Amit Samuel visiting the slums this week - bringing food, soap, education awareness and emotional support

In Kotdwara, and across India, people are in complete lockdown for 21 days. For the people living in the slums, many are living on the brink of daily starvation. With no fixed salary they work from day-to-day and are paid accordingly. They have little savings and receive no social benefits. They are vulnerable not just because of COVID but highly at risk of malnutrition, malaria, typhoid, and other life-threatening diseases.

Yet, there is a glimmer of hope for some. The ‘Project Help’ team, has been given permission by the police to provide urgent relief. The police have shared that they were not informed about the lockdown and are not prepared in any way. 'Project Help' is the only NGO in Kotdwara that can help them. So we are out on the streets, delivering food, soap and education to desperate families and individuals ...not quite Uber Eats style but it comes with love ands compassion to their door. We are helping the homeless too. 

We can only provide this help because of our Australian supporters who are making regular donations. We are incredibly appreciative of your generosity knowing that you too, are impacted by COVID. Thank you for your sacrificial giving. Wellbeing research tells us that we grow in resilience and personal coping skills when we are connected and giving to others. We are in this together on a global scale, and despite the distance, you are part of the story of these people's lives. 

With love from Doug, Rowena, Amit and Daisy.

This article written by one of our team. It gives a sense of what it’s like in Kotdwara. This man’s tears of happiness are thanks to people like you.

“Today on 24 March, when India is still fighting with the pandemic Corona Virus Spred, with all lock downs, life has stopped all over. All shops are closed and no one can come out of their homes. Police on the patrolling found a very poor man on street near Devi Mandir who was appealing to the officials to give him some food. When the officials asked him that where he lived he showed them a plastic sheet on the road side that this is the place where he lived. He said he is a daily wage worker and due to complete lock-down he is not able to earn anything since last few days and hence he is hungry. The police made contact with Mr. Amit Samuel Sir from ‘Project Help India’, so that he could help him.

When he got the news Mr. Amit Samuel took 12 kgs of rice, a packet of bread and some biscuits to give him. By seeing the food supply the man broke into tears and thanked God and Mr. Amit Samuel a lot that at least now he can survive for some days by boiling rice.

But now we are worried that what will happen now when whole of India is going to get fully locked down for the next 21 days. How are the hundreds of families going to survive when they totally depend on their daily earnings but have no work?

With ‘Project Help’ these people may have a chance.

God please bless the humanity.”


1. Donate - You can make your tax deductible by clicking any of the DONATE HERE buttons here on our website.

As you click the link ensure that you are donating to (WYG-IND-PHI-2020) and please let us know (by replying to this email) if you make a donation because we would love to thank you. Privacy legislation does not permit us to know that you've donated unless you tell us.

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BSB: 062 230 (Commonwealth Bank Randwick) 

Account: 1134 1909

Account Name: Project Help India

Please write your name in the reference section so we can thank you.

This is the man living on the street, mentioned in report above.

This is the man living on the street, mentioned in report above.