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welcome to our story

the story of our work in some remote and isolated places in Northern India


Check out our latest publication ‘Lives Transformed’ here

And check out our latest video ‘Our Punjab Story’

Our Mission

To bring love, hope, dignity and purpose to the poor in India. 

Our Vision

To focus on education, nutrition, health and human rights, so that individual lives are impacted, empowered and restored, as well as bring about community change and generational transformation.

Our story is about helping children, families and their communities

We are passionate about making a difference in the lives of marginalised and vulnerable children, families and their communities. These people have a powerful story to tell. They are victims of terrible poverty and some desperate circumstances. We strategically help children who have limited access to a school education. Many of our students would otherwise not go to school and instead would be begging, fossicking for rubbish, or involved in child labour.

Briefly - what we do

Based on a holistic model, our work includes the following;

  • Providing education to 330 children, in 8 small education centres in Kotdwara and Bijnor, and 6 centres in Western Punjab with 220 kids attending these schools daily.

  • We have a Disability Centre that cares for 12 children and young people with significant disabilities

  • All children who attend our education centres are provided with a healthy meal each day

  • Women’s empowerment programs, highlighted by an Annual Conference called ‘SHINE’

  • Evening technology classes equip young women with skills for future employment

  • Care and counselling

  • We deliver parent and community education programs and seminars

  • From time to time we organise for medical and health care to be provided by local doctors and medical professionals

  • Crisis care and support is provided for families and individuals impacted by domestic violence

  • Natural disaster, emergency and crisis assistance

  • We partner with police, government and community leaders

  • We work with the local anti-human trafficking police team, and education programs in schools and villages are delivered together

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